Berlin Burlesque – your 2024 summer treat!

17th Jan - 10th Feb
7:30pm shows Wed to Saturday for 4 weeks

Berlin Burlesque is an epic live music circus theatre production.

For those of you that know the history of the Loons Circus Theatre Company, you'll know they were front and centre in theatre arts production in Lyttelton from 2006 - 2012 with shows such as The Butler, Berlin Burlesque and The Happy Home Road appearing nationally in all the major Arts Festivals and touring internationally to great accolades.

This ground breaking crew are back, now known as the Lyttelton Circus Theatre Company since the loss of their original home theatre, and making waves at their base of LAF.

This show received rave reviews and had people leaving on an incredible high. With full live band headed by Carmel Courtney, and a stellar cast of circus and theatre professionals most local Lytteltonians may already know. There is some riske antics, some nudity and, historic symbolism to convey the seriousness of the story of Erik Jan Hanussen, who was tasked with providing Hitler with stagecraft despite his Jewish ancestors, and in a psychic vision predicted the Reichstag Fire leading to his own demise. Needless to say, this playing with fire did not end well for Erik, but it makes one incredible story, that crosses between historic scenes and contemporary cabaret and burlesque acts.

Find out more about the show and the cast.

Berlin Burlesque
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