
In 2007 Mike Friend was commissioned by The Sculpture on the Peninsula committee to create a new work for the three day sculpture festival.

Oak was born.

An oak tree was chosen in the grounds surrounded by a natural amphitheatre with stunning bay views as its backdrop. The performance was originally designed to exist only in the space for which it was created.

The work addresses the concepts of space, time, action and audience. The audience is immersed in a sensory and environmental experience with breathtaking aerial work. Watch the tree come to life as the birds sing and play in
its branches, lizards emerge and scamper about the roots and high into the boughs. With astonishing circus feats to visually spellbind, and live earthy music played from atop the tree itself, this is something anyone can appreciate.

In the 2009 Sculpture on the Peninsula Exhibition, the company was invited back to develop the concept further and played to over 3000 people with its 3 performances.


Performed to
6000+ in 6 Days
(2007 & 2009)


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